Publications list

International Journals

Under Review

J. E. Cohen, V. Leplat, "Efficient Algorithms for Regularized Nonnegative Scale-invariant Low-rank Approximation Models", submitted to SIMODS [arxiv (old version)]


M-Q. Pham, J. E. Cohen, T. Chonavel, "A fast Multiplicative Updates algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. [arxiv (old version)]



A. Marmoret, J. E. Cohen, F. Bimbot, "Barwise Music Structure Analysis with the Correlation Block-Matching Segmentation Algorithm", Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 2023. [TISMIR] [arxiv] [code]


C. Caredda, J. E. Cohen, L. Mahieu-Williame, R. Sablong, M. Sdika, F. C. Schneider, T. Picart, J. Guyotat, B. Montcel, "A priori free spectral unmixing with periodic absorbance changes: Application for auto-calibrated intraoperative functional brain mapping", Biomedical Optics Express, 2023. [pdf]


N. Nadisic, A. Vandaele, J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Matrix-wise L0-constrained Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares", Machine Learning, 2022 [arxiv] [code] [orbi]


M. Roald, C. Schenker, V. D. Calhoun, T. Adali, R. Bro, J. E. Cohen, E. Acar, "An AO-ADMM approach to constraining PARAFAC2 on all modes", SIAM Journal of Mathematics on Data Science, 2022. [arxiv] [code][SIAMMDS]


J. E. Cohen, "Dictionary-based low-rank approximation and the mixed sparse coding problem", Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2022. [frontiers] [arxiv] [codes]


A. M. S. Ang, J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, L. T. K. Hien, "Accelerating Block Coordinate Descent for Nonnegative Tensor Factorization", Numerical Linear Algebra Appl., 2021;e2373. pdf


C. Schenker, J. E. Cohen, E. Acar, ``A Flexible Optimization Framework for Regularized Matrix-Tensor Factorizations with Linear Couplings'', IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2020. [arxiv] [IEEE Xplore] [Supplementary Materials] [Matlab code]


J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Identifiability of Complete Dictionary Learning", SIAM Journal of Mathematics on Data Science, vol.1 issue 3, pp. 518-536, 2019. pdf


J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Spectral Unmixing with Multiple Dictionaries", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.15 issue 2, pp. 187-191, 2018. pdf


J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Dictionary-based Tensor Canonical Polyadic Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.66 issue 7, pp. 1876-1889 2018. pdf


R. Cabral Farias, J. E. Cohen, and P. Comon, "Exploring multimodal data fusion through
joint decompositions with flexible couplings," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, pp. 4830-4844, September 2016. pdf


J. E. Cohen, P. Comon, and X. Luciani, "Correcting inner filter effects, a non multilinear
tensor decomposition method," Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, vol. 150,
pp. 29-40, 2016. pdf

J. E. Cohen, R. C. Farias, and P. Comon, "Fast decomposition of large nonnegative tensors," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 862-866, 2015. pdf

M. A. Veganzones, J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral Farias, J. Chanussot, and P. Comon, "Nonnega-
tive tensor CP decomposition of hyperspectral data," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Nov. 2015. pdf

Arxiv papers

J. E. Cohen, "Computing the proximal operator of the l1 induced matrix norm", arxiv 2005.06804, 2020 (also check this earlier reference:


J. E. Cohen, "About notations in multiway array processing," arxiv 1511.01306, 2015.

Book Chapters

J. E. Cohen, R. Bro and P. Comon, "Tensor decompositions: principles and application  to food sciences", in Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing, edited by C. Jutten, L. Duarte and S. Moussaoui, Wiley, 2023 (chapter 6) [pdf] [book]

International Conferences




D. Lesens, J. E. Cohen and B. Ucar, "Orthogonal matching-pursuit based algorithms for the Birkoff-von Neumann decomposition", EUSIPCO 2024. [hal]


S. Hariga, J. E. Cohen and N. Ducros, "Joint Reconstruction and Spectral Unmixing from Single-Pixel Acquisitions", EUPSICO 2024. [hal]


C. Kervazo, A. Chetoui and J. E. Cohen, "Deep unrolling of the multiplicative updates algorithm for blind source separation, with application to spectral unmixing", EUSIPCO 2024. [hal]


J. Claude, R. Dumas and J. E. Cohen, "Constrained Tensor Decomposition Reveals Lever Arm Synergies in the Muskuloskeletal System", EUSIPCO 2024. [hal]


A. Marmoret, J. E. Cohen and F. Bimbot, "Convolutive Block-Matching Segmentation Algorithm with Application to Music Structure Analysis.", IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY, USA, Oct 22-25, 2023. , [pdf on researchgate] [code].

C. Caredda, J. E. Cohen, L. Mahieu-Williame, R. Sablong, M. Sdika, J. Guyotat and B. Montcel, "Separable spectral unmixing based on the learning of periodic absorbance changes: application to functional brain mapping using RGB imaging", Proc. SPIE 12627, Translational Biophotonics: Diagnostics and Therapeutics III, 126271D (11 August 2023) [doi]


A. Marmoret, J. E. Cohen and F. Bimbot, "Exploring single-song autoencoding schemes for audio based music structure analysis", SMC2022, [pdf] [code]


H. Wu, A. Marmoret and J. E. Cohen, "Semi-Supervised Convolutive NMF for Automatic Music Transcription", SMC2022, [pdf] [code]


M. Roald, C. Schenker, J. E. Cohen, E. Acar, "PARAFAC2 AO-ADMM: Constraints in all modes", EUSIPCO2021, [arxiv]


N. Nadisic, A. Vandaele, N. Gillis, J. E. Cohen, "Exact Biobjective k-Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares", EUSIPCO2021 [links here]


C. Schenker, J. E. Cohen, E. Acar, "An optimization framework for regularized linearly
coupled matrix-tensor factorization", EUSIPCO2020, [pdf]


A. Marmoret, J.E. Cohen, N. Bertin, F. Bimbot, ``Uncovering audio patterns in music with nonnegative Tucker decomposition for structural segmentation'', ISMIR 2020, [pdf] [code]


N. Nadisic, A. Vandaele, J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Sparse Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", ECML PKDD 2020, [pdf] [code here].


A. Ang, J. E. Cohen, L. K. Hien, N. Gillis, "Extrapolated Alternating Algorithms for Approximate Canonical Polyadic Decomposition", ICASSP2020, [pdf].


N. Nadisic, J. E. Cohen, A. Vandaele, N. Gillis, "Exact Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares", ICASSP2020, [pdf].


C. Fragas-Dantas, J. E. Cohen and R. Gribonval, "Hyperspectral image denoising using Dictionary Learning", WHISPERS 2019. [pdf]


A. Ang, J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Accelerating Approximate Nonnegative Canonical Polyadic Decomposition using Extrapolation", GRETSI 2019. [pdf]


C. Fragas-Dantas, J. E. Cohen and R. Gribonval, "Learning Tensor-structured Dictionaries with Application to Hyperspectral Image Denoising", EUSIPCO 2019. [pdf]


J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Nonnegative Low-Rank Sparse Component Analysis",  ICASSP 2019. [pdf] [reviews with responses]


A. Lorente Mur, M. Ochoa, J. Cohen, X. Intes, N. Ducros. "Handling negative patterns for fast single-pixel lifetime imaging", 2019 - Molecular-Guided Surgery: Molecules, Devices, and Applications V, Feb 2019, hal-02017598v2


J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral Farias and B. Rivet, "Curve Registered Coupled Low Rank Factorization" LVA/ICA 2018, arXiv:1802.03203


J. E. Cohen, R. Bro, "Nonnegative PARAFAC2, a flexible coupling approach", LVA/ICA 2018, arXiv:1802.05035


C. Fragas-Dantas, J. E. Cohen and R. Gribonval, "Learning fast dictionaries for sparse decompositions using low-rank tensor decomposition", LVA/ICA 2018, hal-01709343

J. E. Cohen and N. Gillis, "A New Approach to Dictionary-Based Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), (Kos, Greece), 2017.


C. Rohlfing, J. E. Cohen and A. Liutkus, "Very Low Bitrate Spatial Audio Coding with Dimensionality Reduction", 42nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017.


J. E. Cohen, P. Comon, and N. Gillis, "Some theory on Non-negative Tucker Decomposition," in 13th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), (Grenoble, France), Feb. 2017.

J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral Farias, and P. Comon, "Joint tensor compression for coupled canonical polyadic decompositions," 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2016), (Budapest, Hungary), Aug. 2016.


M. Veganzones, J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral Farias, K. Usevich, L. Drumetz, J. Chanussot, and
P. Comon, "Canonical polyadic decomposition of hyperspectral patch tensors," in 2016 24th
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2016), (Budapest, Hungary), Aug. 2016.


M. Veganzones, S. Doute, J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral Farias, J. Chanussot, and P. Comon, "Nonnegative CP decomposition of multiangle hyperspectral data : a case study on CRISM observations of martian icy surface," in IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing : Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS 2016), 2016.

B. Rivet, J. E. Cohen, "Modeling time warping in tensor decomposition," in 2016 IEEE
Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2016), (Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil), July 2016.


R. Cabral Farias, J. E. Cohen, C. Jutten, and P. Comon, "Joint decompositions with
flexible couplings," in 12th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), (Liberec, Czech Republic), Aug. 2015.

M. A. Veganzones, J. E.Cohen, R. C. Farias, R. Marrero, J. Chanussot, and P. Comon, "Multilinear spectral unmixing of hyperspectral multiangle images," in Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2015 23rd European, pp. 744-748, IEEE, 2015.

M. Boizard, R. Boyer, G. Favier, J. E. Cohen, and P. Comon, "Performance estimation for
tensor cp decomposition with structured factors," in Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 3482-3486, IEEE, 2015.

J. E. Cohen, P. Comon, "On almost sure identiability of non multilinear tensor decompo-
sition," in Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European, pp. 2245-2249, IEEE, 2014.

Book Chapter

J. E. Cohen, R. Bro, P. Comon "Tensor Decompositions: principles and application to food sciences" in Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing, edited by C. Jutten, L. T. Duarte, and S. Moussaoui, 2024, Wiley.

National Conferences & Workshops

With proceedings

J. E. Cohen, "Régularisation implicite des factorisations de faible rang pénalisées", GRETSI 2023, [hal]


R. Cornillet, J. E. Cohen, N. Courty, "Factorisation en Matrices Non négatives basée Dictionnaire avec l'aide du transport optimal", GRETSI 2022.


A. Marmoret, F. Voorwinden, V. Leplat, J. E. Cohen, F. Bimbot, "Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition with Beta-divergence for Music Structure Analysis of Audio Signals", GRETSI 2022


J. E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Une Approche Alternée pour la Factorisation avec Dictionnaire de Matrices Non Négatives", GRETSI 2017.

J. E.Cohen, R. Cabral-Farias, P. Comon, "Analyse de grandes donnees tensorielles couplees," GRETSI 2015.

Without proceedings

C. Elvira, J. E. Cohen, C. Herzet, R. Gribonval, "Continuous dictionaries meet low-rank tensor approximations", iTwist 2020, [pdf].


N. Nadisic, A. Vandaele, Jeremy E. Cohen, N. Gillis, "Sparse Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", iTwist 2020. (pdf not available)


J. E. Cohen and N. Gillis, "Identifiability of complete dictionary learning", Workshop on Low Rank Approximations and Optimization, Leipzig, April 2019


J. E. Cohen and N. Gillis, "Démélange spectral d’images hyperspectrales en présence de pixels purs", in 4ème Journée co-conception capteurs hybrides et algorithmes pour des systèmes innovants, Oct. 2017


J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral-Farias and P. Comon, "The many faces of compression in multilinear algebra", in Réunion GDR ISIS, June 2016


J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral-Farias and P. Comon, "Joint decompositions with
flexible couplings", in Tensor Decompositions and Applications, Leuven, Jan. 2016


J. E. Cohen, R. Cabral-Farias and P. Comon, "Joint decompositions with
flexible couplings", in JODA Workshop, Copenhaguen, Aug. 2015