Numerical Analysis and Machine Learning (L3)
Linear Regression, first order numerical optimization, logistic regression, deep neural networks.
Supports: N/A
at INSA Lyon, 2023-2024, département GE
Numerical Analysis (L3)
Linear Algebra, numerical optimization, discretization of PDE
Supports: N/A
at Ecole Centrale Lyon, 2022-2023, tronc commun
Statistical signal processing (M1)
Theory of estimation, stationarity, ergodicity. Filtering of random processes.
Supports: N/A
at CPE Lyon, 2022
Convex Optimization for Sparse Approximations (Master 2)
Theory of convex optimization, gradient descent with constant stepsize, proximal gradient and dictionary learning, application to image inpainting.
Supports: [lien]
at INSA Rennes, 2019-21, parcours 5GM and ENSAI, Smart Data Master
Nonnegative Low-rank approximations (Doctoral School)
Theory of nonnegative least squares, algorithms for nonnegative least squares, nonnegative matrix factorization principles and applications.
Supports: [lien]
at ITwist 2020, Nantes, France
Dictionary Learning (Master 2)
Theory of dictionary learning, application to image inpainting.
at INSA Rennes, 2018, parcours 5GM
Probability and Statistics (Bachelier 2, L2),
sigma-algebra, probability space, random variables,
Markov Chains, Statistic tests.
at Faculté Polytechnique, UMONS, 2018
Convex Optimisation for tensor decomposition problems (L3),
tensor formalism, alternating constrained and unconstrained optimisation, application to fluorescence spectroscopy.
at UMONS, 2016
Undergraduate Mathematics (L1),
basic calculus and formalism, linear algebra, continuity and limits, integration.
at Grenoble-Alpes University, 2014-2015
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